10 MUST DO Exercises for Women at ANY Workout Level

10 MUST DO Exercises for Women at ANY Workout Level

Health and Fitness: A Destination or a Journey of Life. This experience varies and is as the women themselves. If you are new to training or a seasoned pro, having access to different workouts is the key to staying motivated and hitting your goals. In this article, we list the 10 best workouts for women according to their capabilities and the ones that can be included as a part of daily life.

1. Bodyweight Squats -The Mother of all Strengthfest

What It Is: A fundamental quad, hamstring, and glute exercise.

Why You Should Do This Exercise: Bodyweight squats are essential to developing lower body strength and improving stability. They’re perfect for beginner levels and can be progressions by adding weight or more advanced versions for experienced exercisers.

How to Do It:

1. Feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Bend your knees and hips to lower you body so uprights stay up in a straight line with the floor as possible.

3. Lower down as far as comfortably possible – aim for your thighs to be parallel with the floor.

4. Then, push through your heels to return to the beginning.

SUGGESTED: Add Jumps or Weights to make it a little harder on yourself.

2. Push-Ups: Upper Body Power

What It Is: A standard push exercise focusing on the muscle groups of the chest shoulders and triceps.

Why It Matters: Push-ups are so versatile and scaleable. This helps to build upper body strength and improve your core stability.

How to Do It:

1. Begin in a high plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-apart.

2. Lower your body, until it hovers above the floor.

3. Gently press up through your hands to come back into the position you started in.

Tip for beginners: first push-ups are done on the knees, or against a wall, and the experienced – added claps jump (Clapping Push-ups) or diamond side pushing as opposed to touching their fingertips in front of the chest).

Lunges: Balance and Coordination

What It Is: A quad hamstring and glute-targeting lower body move that also challenges balance.

Why It Is Important: Lunges are the best to make legs strong, and better coordination. In addition, they are also great for fixing muscle imbalances and increasing general functional movement.

How to Do It:

1. Begin in a standing position, feet hip-distance apart.

2. Step forward with one leg and lower your body until both of your knees at roughly 90 degrees.

3. Push yourself back up to the start position and repeat with the other leg.

Pro Tip: To make it more advanced, try doing walking lunges or holding weight.

4. Planks: Core Stability

What It Is: A plank is a hardcore exercise that works your arms, stomachs, and shoulders.

Why It Is Important: Planks provide solid core stability, a major part of strength and injury prevention. They are easily modified for any fitness level and they make a great form of cardiovascular exercise.

How to Do It:

1. Get into a forearm plank position with elbows under your shoulders, and body in one straight line.

2. Brace your core and fix this position for as long as you can.

3. Do not let your butt sink or rise, and ensure that you keep your hips as even with the rest of your body length AS POSSIBLE.

Tip: To make it more challenging do them side plank or with some variations like doing leg lifts.

5. Now to our Burst, Jumping Jacks! (cardiovascular pack)

What It Is: A full-body move that incorporates cardio and strength training.

Why: Jumping jacks are an effective cardiovascular exercise and can be used as part of a warm-up or high-intensity interval training Both of them work towards calorie burn and overall endurance

How to Do It:

1. Center: Begin by standing on your feet with both legs together and arms hanging beside the body.

2. ) Jump while extending your legs and raising your arms upunicipio

3. Return to the start and do this again.

Pointers: up the ante by incorporating a squat jump or tuck!

6. Burpees – Whole Body Conditioning

What’s It: A plyometric (intense) mix of squat thrust and suture. Burpees: Advantages When You Next Do Burping, It Is a Fierce Full-Body Workout That Deals With Building Strength in Addition to Cardiovascular Endurance. Those are killer full-body workouts that can be modified to fit the fitness levels of all participants.

How to Do It:

1. Start in a standing position.

2. Squat down and put your palms on the ground.

3. Now jump your feet back into a high plank and do 1 push-up.

4. Jump your feet back to return your supine stance and explosively jump into the air.

Modification: If you are a beginner, take the jump out or remove the push-up.

7. Solution #1Glute Bridges – Works On The Targeted Glute Strength

Description: An exercise that specifically targets the glutes and lower back.

Why Should We: One of the reasons glute bridges are so good is that as we get decent hip stability and lower back strength. They also help undo some of the ill effects associated with sitting for extended periods.

How to Do It:

1. Start by laying on the floor with your feet flat, knees bent, and facing up.

2. Contract your glutes as much as you can at the top by driving your hips towards the ceiling.

3. Lower back down and repeat.

Tip: Increase intensity by incorporating a single-leg variation and/or using extra load (weight on your hips).

8. Mountain Climbers: Core/Core/Cardio

What It Is: Think of it as a plank that you do while running.

Why It Matters: The Mountain Climber is great for increasing cardiovascular endurance, and at the same time it works on core placement exercises. These are ideal for a compact, efficient workout.

How to Do It:

1. Start in a plank position.

2. Step 2: Then one leg off the ground and pull it into your chest, running opposite from where you did before

3. Keep switching legs as fast as possible.

Quick: Rest to ensure form or hit it hard for a more intense burn

9. Bicycle Crunches: Abs/core

What It Works: Your obliques and rectus abdominis strengthen your core the way it should be.

Why It’s Important: This exercise challenges the entire muscular structure of your abs and helps you to develop core strength. They also assist in rotation and balance.

How to Do It:

1. Sit on the floor with your feet together, slightly leaning back.

2. Do this and bring the other knee towards your chest, then twist to meet that elbow with the opposite side.

3. Pedal on one side and then switch to the other.

Tip: Do the exercise slowly so that your form is correct and you can gain maximum benefit from it.

10. Resistance Band Rows: Build a Strong Upper Back

Type: The movement targets the upper back and biceps with a band.

Why It’s Important: Rowing with resistance bands can be helpful to fix posture and add balance to the upper back by helping balance all of the pushing movements that you are doing from pressing exercises. And they are especially good for people who might not have access to weights

How to Do It:

1. How To: Sitting or standing with feet braced and resistance band anchored in front of you.

2. Grip the band in both hands and pull it toward your torso, squeezing together those shoulder blades.

3. Slowly release and repeat.

Powering Wheels to Warp 9Resistance Move: Bands of Hands or Thickness

How to Work These Into Your Routine

This will burn more The goal is to put in a lot of work in enough time that includes various exercises ensuring every major muscle group has been worked at least 3 times. Here are some tips for maximizing your workout: Train and Play – Do not train on one exercise consecutively. Instead, mix up different drills thereby getting a complete overall training hitting all the main muscle groups.

 Add Resistance Gradually:

As you get used to the movements, increase either duration or resistance.

Listen to your body – Be aware of how you feel and back off as necessary to avoid over-training or injury.

Stick to it: The best way to garner a better understanding of what you can achieve is simply by sticking with your routine. You need to aim for at least 3-4 workouts a week incorporating both cardio and strength exercise options.


Are you a beginner trying to pick up the pace or have been at it awhile and looking for something different, then use these 10 workout essentials as your guide. Regardless if you are just starting out with our bodyweight home workouts or resistance band routine, each workout is created to be universal and able to follow along at various fitness levels. Include these exercises in your routine and you will get stronger, and increase cardiovascular health, with just some more other fit. The key to any exercise program is discovering what you like the most and being persistent in that area. Cheers to a stronger, healthier you!

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